Matthew McClaughry (1.1)
b. c.1665, Cleghill townland, Parish of Clongesh, Barony of Longford, County Longford, Ireland
d. c.1735, Cleghill townland, Parish of Clongesh, Barony of Longford, County Longford, Ireland
See Matthew McClaughry's Bio

William McClaughry? (0.1)
| (c.1632-1713)
Matthew McClaughry (1.1)
Margaret Parks
Katherine Reid

1 Andrew McClaughry (2.1) (? - 1729, Cape Cod, Mass.)
2 Joseph McClaughry (2.2) (? - 1729, at sea)
3 Matthew McClaughry Jr. (2.3) (? - 1729, at sea)
4 Thomas McClaughry (2.4) (c.1707 - c.1793 in Salem, NY.)
5 Sarah McClaughry (2.5) (?)
6 Phoebe McClaughry (2.6) (?)
7 Margaret McClaughry (2.7) (? - 1729?, Maybe at sea)
8 Mary Ann McClaughry (2.8) (? - 1729, at sea)
9 Nellie McClaughry (2.9) (? - 1729, at sea)
Information on Matthew McClaughry's (1.1) Children

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Thomas McClaughry (2.4)

b. c.1707, Cleghill townland, Parish of Clongesh, Barony of Longford, County Longford, Ireland

d. 21 March 1793, Salem, Washington Co., NY
See Thomas McClaughry's Bio

William McClaughry? (0.1)
| (c.1632-1713)
Matthew McClaughry (1.1)
| (c.1665-c.1735) Katherine Reid
|  (c.1639-c.1714)
Thomas McClaughry (2.4)
Margaret Swift  
| |
Margaret Parks
(c.1670-c.1747) |

1 Matthew McClaughry (3.1) (c.1735 - 1789 in Salem, NY.)
2 Richard McClaughry (3.2) (c.1739 - 1819 in Kortright, NY.)
3 Andrew McClaughry (3.3) (c.1742-1826 in Kortright, NY.)
4 Thomas McClaughry Jr. (3.4) (1747-1827 in Kortright, NY.)
5 Mary Ann McClaughry Riggs (3.5) (c.1745-1782)
6 Agnes McClaughry Watson(3.6) (c.1751-bef.1827)
7 Margaret McClaughry Savage (3.7) (c.1753-bef.1827)
Information on Thomas McClaughry's (2.4) Children

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Mary Ann McClaughry Riggs(3.5)
b. c.1745, Cleghill townland, Parish of Clongesh, Barony of Longford, County Longford, Ireland
d. 1782, NY
See Mary Ann McClaughry Rigg's Bio

William McClaughry? (0.1)
Matthew McClaughry (1.1)  (c.1632-c.1713)
| (c.1665-c.1735) Katherine Reid
| (c.1639-1714)
Thomas McClaughry (2.4)  
| (c.1707-c.1793) Margaret Parks
|  (c.1670-c.1747)  
Mary Ann McClaughry Riggs (3.5)
Edward Riggs  
Thomas Swift
| | (c.1681-?)  
Margaret Swift
(c.1707-c.1783) |  

1 Edward Riggs Jr. (4.32) (1760-1835 in Victory, NY.)
2 Thomas Riggs (4.33) (1771-1833)
3 Matthew Riggs (4.34) (1773-?)
4 Eleanor Riggs (4.35) (1769-1796 in Kortright, NY.)
5 Maryann Riggs (4.36) (1775-1864 in Kortright, NY.)
Information on Mary Ann McClaughry Rigg's (3.5) Children

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Mary McClaughry Douglas (4.25)

b. 4 August 1781, Salem, Washington Co., NY

d. 4 August 1853, Kortright, Delaware Co. NY
See Mary McClaughry Douglas' Bio

Matthew McClaughry (1.1)
Thomas McClaughry (2.4) (c.1665-c.1735)
| (c.1707-1793) Margaret Parks
| (c.1670-c.1747)
Thomas McClaughry Jr. (3.4)  
| (1778-1864) Margaret Swift
| (1740-1823)  
Mary McClaughry Douglas (4.25)
Joseph Douglas  
James Harsha
| |  
Agnes Harsha
(c.1740-1823) |  
Esther Reid

1 James R. Douglas (5.177) (1804 - 1850)
2 Thomas M. Douglas (5.178) (1808 - 1847)
3 Mary Douglas Sexsmith (5.179) (1814 - 1853)
4 Joseph P. Douglas (5.180) (1817 - 1874)
5 Ann Eliza Douglas Bell (5.181) (1810-1879 in Haperfield, NY.
6 Agnes Douglas McMasters (5.182)
7 Martha Jane Douglas Hamilton (5.183) (1816-1893)
Information on Mary McClaughry Douglas (4.25) Children

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Joseph Hamilton McLaury (5.170)

b. 3 August 1810, Kortright, Delaware Co. NY.

d. 12 March 1895, Monticello, Sullivan Co., NY.
See Joseph Hamilton McLaury's Bio

Thomas McClaughry (2.4)
Thomas McClaughry Jr. (3.4) (c.1707-c.1793)
| (c.1747-1827) Margaret Swift
| (c.1707-c.1783)
John Reid McClaughry (4.24) James Harsha
| (1778-1864) Agnes Harsha
| (1740-1823) Esther Reid
Joseph Hamilton McLaury (5.170)
Jane Hannah McClaughry  
| James Rose
| |  
Margery Rose
(c.1783-1865) |  
Margaret McClaughry

1 John Austin McLaury (6.388) (1835-1883 in Equinunk, PA.)
2 Margery Ann McLaury (6.389) (1837-1841 in Kortright, NY)
3 Mary McLaury (6.390) (1839-1841 in Kortright, NY.)
4 Richard Milton McLaury (6.391) (1842-1859 in Monticello, NY.)
5 Harriet Rose McLaury McGibbon (6.392) (1845-1918 in Liberty, NY.)
6 Helen Jane McLaury Ostrom (6.393) (1847-?)
7 Rev. Edward Arthur McLaury (6.394) (1850-1925 in Wilmington, IL.)
Information on Joseph Hamilton McLaury's (5.170) Children

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